What does coaching on three levels mean?

Through a combination of different coaching methods, we work on issues not only at the level of the conscious mind but also emotionally and energetically. This allows obstacles and blockages to be dissolved more sustainably and deeply. Even when we understand our issues through conversation, we often still have emotions or even physical symptoms related to these issues. Only if we dissolve things and thoughts that block us on all three levels, real freedom and lightness can arise.

Who is the three-level coaching for?

Coaching on three levels with the perflowance method is designed for those who want to go one step deeper. They would like to achieve something, may even know their or their team’s blockages, but cannot overcome them. Despite the best of intentions, a project or a desired state simply do not want to succeed. We resolve this “yes but” in coaching and team processes so you or your team can get to the goal in a real easy flow.

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